
8 partners from 3 different countries:
France, Spain, Italy

Etcharry Formation Developpement.

Etcharry Formation Développement, solidarity factory, is a training and consultancy centre for the social, medico-social and entertainment professions based in the south-west of France, in Ustaritz. Since 2006, Etcharry has been involved in an international initiative to promote the mobility of social students and workers, create forums for the exchange and transfer of profesionnel practices and encourage educational innovation through the cross-fertilisation of training methods and experiences.

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Urrugne Social Welfare Centre.

The Social Welfare Centre from Urrugne based in the south-west of France is an autonomous public body that runs a general prevention and social development programme for the territory in connection with its various partners. It provides assistance and support, access to rights and social housing for a wide range of people, from young children to adults and senior citizens.

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Nouvelle-Aquitaine Culture & Health Cluster.

The Culture and Health Cluster supports public policy on culture and health areas, with the aim of encouraging cultural and artistic initiatives in healthcare actions. Its mission is to encourage and support health and culture professionals to set up cooperative projects in their establishments. On a daily basis, this Hub informs, advises, guides and trains these professionals. - The Hub's role is to act as an intermediary between health and culture, positioning itself as a resource and information platform, but also as a training organisation and a laboratory for ideas and experimentation.

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Public University of Navarre.

With its campuses in Pamplona and Tudela, the Public University of Navarre (UPNA) is a leading institution in terms of professional integration, offering high-quality multilingual teaching and curricular practices in all its degrees. 
Member of the Campus Iberus, which is an international excellence campus, and of UNITA which is a consortium of European universities, it stands out for its contribution to regional development and multidisciplinary scientific outputs thanks to its six research institutes.

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CEFAL Emilia Romagna.

CEFAL Emilia Romagna is a vocational training centre that works with young people, adults and local companies with the aim of creating a context in which everyone, including the most vulnerable, can find personal satisfaction through work.

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University of Bologna - Department of Educational Sciences.

The University of Bologna, founded in 1088, is Italy's most populous university community. The Department of  Sciences of Education, which includes several disciplinary fields (pedagogy, psychology, sociology, anthropology, historical and geographical disciplines, etc.) is a pioneer, with over 30 years experience of research in this domains: education and training processes in and out of school, lifelong learning, the services designed to promote individual and social well-being.

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Bortzirietako Gizarte
Zerbitzuen Mankomunitatea.

The Bortziriak Social Services Commonwealth was set up in 1988 with the aim of promoting social inclusion and improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable people in the municipalities of Arantza, Bera, Etxalar, Igantzi and Lesaka, located in a rural area. Through this entity, the four primary care Social Services programmes dependent on the Government of Navarre are managed: the social reception and orientation programme, the child and family care programme, the social incorporation programme and the programme for the promotion of personal autonomy and care for dependent persons. In this last programme, the home care service, the Jubiloteca and the community work of volunteers are particularly noteworthy.

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Social cooperative.

Anziani e non solo (ANS) is a social cooperative based in northern Italy that has been working since 2004 to promote transformative education, human rights-based education programmes and active ageing programmes for older people. ANS is expert in VET and in supporting active ageing, having been involved in projects to support older people's empowerment, lifelong learning, active participation in their own communities and intergenerational exchange.

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Associated Partners


map partenaires


map marker urrugne

Etcharry Formation Développement


map marker urrugne

Pôle Culture & Santé


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Centre Communal d’Action Sociale



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Universidad Publica de Navarra


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Gizarte Zerbitzuen Mankomunitatea



map marker urrugne

Alma Mater Studiorum University


map marker urrugne

CEFAL Emilia Romagna


map marker urrugne



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