
Through its objectives and results, the project aims to promote inclusion and diversity in education and training by trying to re-engage the most isolated older people into socialisation processes. The project brings together stakeholders from the fields of training, education, entertainment and culture, and will undoubtedly be enriched by your experiences and your work with senior citizens.

A modularised training programme of 6 to 8 modules for learners.

A practical, operational guide for professionals, family carers and volunteers.

A video documentary of older people and professionals and a book of illustrated digital testimonies.

01. Training programme

Content available soon - under development.

people outlineTout public

people outline10h30 - 12h30

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Content available soon - under development.

people outlineTout public

people outline10h30 - 12h30

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Content available soon - under development.

people outlineTout public

people outline10h30 - 12h30

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Content available soon - under development.

people outlineTout public

people outline10h30 - 12h30

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Content available soon - under development.

people outlineTout public

people outline10h30 - 12h30

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Content available soon - under development.

people outlineTout public

people outline10h30 - 12h30

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02. Technical guide

Content available soon - under development.


Diagnostic tools

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Repair tools

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03. Communication tools

Content available soon - under development.

 bruno aguirre uLMEcr1O 1I unsplash

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